Sunday, October 2, 2011

What you feed is what will grow

I woke up this morning, well the Holy Spirit woke me up this morning and I started to give him thanks and greeted Him.

Well He is not please first of all with me, last night I worked from 5-11 pm  I spent 5 hrs of that time watching a reality show  that I don't normally watch I have seen it advertise before and would turn the channel and one hour watching Billy Graham on TBN. It was not even a whole hour because I was still flipping through channels to find something funny and that was after ten pm

 It's about feeding your spirit man if you don't you will be weak and vulnerable.

I mentioned earlier that I do not watch scary movie and I do not watch certain other types of movie either and they don't bother me because it is not my taste. I don't have a drive or hunger for them. I don't watch just anything. 
I don't know if it happens to other people but things I would watch would  have an effect on me positive or negative in terms of after watching a scary movie, you get all scared and every little sound you hear you jump flash backs etc.  Now don't you think that was a spirit of fear that was displaying. And you feeding you self it, what for the thrill.

Now for other movies such as Sex, violent movies etc, why we as christian are not for it some of the effects we see is masturbation, displaying violent behavior swearing tendencies all because you watched a movie that you should not have watched. 
It affects you your emotion you start to want what you see you feeding your flesh to crave sexual desires pleasure, you may get pron to swearing,  then you show violent behavior because of all that you watched.  It will grow and you get passion in each area of what you feed, but it was not activated naturally you seduced it to be activated so to speak.

I am not saying I watched sex, violent  movies and all the rest, but this is what happens with everything we watch it affects us and how we grow physically and spiritually. Yes to the question if I have watched them in the past.

I use to watch a lot of this comedy, this strong black woman in it very aggressive to the point I realize I started to behave somewhat like her in my way. How many of us can catch our selves and stop, not so many, not so many sad to say.

Well last night I was watching this reality show, that I don't normally watched  all because I saw a house and I liked it the outside and the interior caught my eyes and would flip the channel when there is heavy altercation and the bleep things aren't working because even though you don't hear them out loud from them, you hear them in your head.  This was five hours of switching through the channels all because I dig the houses and interior designs some of the fashion display.  
I also was watching a movie that I remembered from way back but I had watched on a a network that cuts out the swearing this one had in too much, no bleepers the raw things. I left it and went back to the reality show. (I said I was working in the office watching movies and reality show I was still doing my work)

Well this morning now I hearing these bleep things, and that is exactly why He woke me up to let me know it bothers Him and it also bothers and affects me.

I have to say this otherwise this whole thing wont make no sense.  The last hour of the show (did not know it was the last hour though it's when something else came on I realize it was) upon ten (Now am not so close to the situation I can see clearly) 
I became comfortable with what I was hearing I wanted to see more because at the ending episode of the reality show they had some drama and I wanted to see more  of what was going to happen next and when I realize that the lil marathon was over I relize how into it I had gotten. (well I realize it was a marathon by after eight)

We need to learn how to watch and check up on ourselves, see what's in you. Clean you house meaning your body mind etc you know what I mean. what you feed is what will grow.

Now why did I watched a show that I don't normally watch. It was no accident.

Have to go church talk to you later 7:32 am got to get ready


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