Thursday, September 22, 2011


Money, why money is such a touchy topic? Why people operate the way they do around money? You loose friends over money. People die over money. Money brings you new friends, as well the lack of money can cause you to loose friends.

This represent your time, your sweat, your blood, your value, (life insurance) work ethics, education qualification>>how much you will be paid for what you do and know etc.
Some of us have been underpaid, some maybe overpaid. It represents your hard labour, the hours you spend in the field, the office, on the road, it represent your passion for what you do. Your pas ion determines how much money you will make.

Do God really wants our money? NO.

Then what does He wants with our money, if He does not really want it?  >>>> To free us from the bondage that money can cause, in terms of greed and selfishness. For us to realize what is the most important thing mammon or God. To get something back to us, bigger and better. Giving brings Liberation!!

When you can let it go, it's when it will come back to you, we hold on to it because honestly it is apart of us it's our currency to life without it we have nothing, you can't buy food, water etc. It is essential to life, it is life, and if it is life, and God is life, so money is god.... in a natural way.

So instead of worshiping the natural thing we have to convert it into the spiritual realm which will cause us to reap harvest many harvest and  be free from it, and it will come back to us..................this is a brain storm here I just experiences am only sharing it. >>>>>>>>>OMG

Well two weeks ago I had a dream, in it I was reading this script in it says I am the supplier of everything. I have everything. I supply everything etc. I read the whole thing.
I was struggling with the not having enough weeks and days before the dream and crying. It was Saturday night Sunday morning I went to sleep with a  like "whatever attitude" He came and I was reading it to the end then after He sat down on my bed and I was explain to him what I read and what I understand>>>>>>just sharing part of the dream.

We can easily give up our time. We can easily give  food. We can easily sacrifice something other than money easier. such as clothing, food hampers, charity etc. (mention in above already)

When it comes to money we watch it. We put it in a bank to gather interest. We invest it to make more and double, triple it to the maximum.
What we do with it? We buy basic necessities, pay for basic necessities.
Then we lavish ourselves with luxury living. Nothing is wrong with that!!!

Now when it comes to giving GOD, we say why should we give a GOD that has everything . He don't need our money. He said Everything is His.

Why do we have to Give? What money can do for you, when you give it to GOD sincerely, you, all by yourself can not do!

And I gave already, why do I have to give more? You give more to prove to Him that He is worth more to you than your money! You give to to shame relinquish the spirit of greed and selfishness from your life.

Money has this thing on it,  is like it is alive, it can make you become greedy or generous!
The more you keep the more greedy you become and the more you give the more generous you become. Now when I say you become, I mean your spirit, soul and body the whole you become either greedy or generous.
Giving releases you  to be free from greed and selfishness, giving consistently.

Now I know that there are days when you will have nothing at all after you have given and you happen to be somewhere and an offering or something is being picked up or a special donation is being asked well you can not give if you have nothing, you have to receive something to give. You have to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT and He will provide and when He does provide it, sow it.

The widow woman had something just enough for her and her son. The man of God requested that she bake him the cake first.

She had little and the first of the little.... this can be elaborated on.
First things blessed!!

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