Friday, November 11, 2011

What is Salvation

He that endures to the end will be save! Matthew 24:13

It's not a one time moment  and you live your life as you please....NO NO NO!!

Salvation is action done in words by faith. If you confess The Lord Jesus He died on a cross  buried  and rose again and Believe in your heart you will be save!

Emphasizing on the cross and that he was buried and rose again is because It is written curse is the man that hang on a tree the cross was a tree. Galatians 3:13  He took my curse sickness poverty all diseases and yours and nailed it to that cross.
He was in he grave for three whole days. What was He doing down there so long?
Luke 10:19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

Revelation 2:26 To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations-

Taking back the keys giving back to us power and dominion so that we can have eternal  life with Him. He was victorious so  He rose after three days and said  "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"
1 Corinthian 15:55

Confession is action, believe He came in your heart, is by faith.

It is a process just like how life is a process you have to go through to build your character what builds your character the fruit of the spirit.

What are the fruits of the spirit?
Galatians 5:22-23
1. love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Long-suffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance


I remember a story a real story Lester Sumrall shared  his experience in his mission field about His bed moving from one location to another. He spoke with authority and said put it back  and it went back and he went to sleep he said he sleep like a baby etc.

Now  I am only assuming  and I have confidence in what I am assuming, after a hard day of working in the field finally going to bed this  thing starts to happen. He got mad and fed up he was not taking it. It's at the point of you not taking any more crap your power stirs and you speak with power and authority.

My confidence is also in my experience of this where you get fed up and you command the storms to stop be at peace. and it works. Now the enemy is not stupid he realizes okay you mad he stop for a while if you don't continue in that authority he will rage again not that he did not obey but he realizes our behavioural trends patterns etc when we think we hit victory we stop and relax and rest for .........................hmmmmmmm

Parents when they get mad and fed up and you hear that voice you know you better straiten up.

Am not saying that if you say stop in a claim state it or whatever it is, is not suppose to stop it should for you have dominion over it.

Writing to make sure I understand what I really believe in if you do the same you will see a difference normally we read and listening but have you poured it out to yourself first on a paper or a blog for you first.
Hey am learning here while am sharing.

It's going to be a Lovely day

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