Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Technical Manager said

I went to work yesterday day from 5-11pm. The technical manager was in the office doing some extra work so I needed to know if he was finished with the system so I can log in and start.

So am speaking to him, he looked at me and looked at me, and said, "you looked like a woman who have given birth". I said what?
What that supposed to mean, is that a compliment. outrageous!!!

But then I thought about it and I thought about it......................... maybe he is correct!!

Was he telling me I looked bad no........ NO it can't be because I was not looking bad.
What did he really mean?

I know in birthing not only is the child is discomforted of leaving the womb but the mother also is discomforted of course we all know those screams.
There is a discomfort on both sides.

Well I asked him what he meant he was like it is not a bad thing it is a good thing and I said maybe I did give birth  and he was blah blah blah I went into my office.

Really what did he mean?

I find my self being quite emotional extra emotional lately...sigh

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