Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anointing breaks yokes. It only is a struggle when you don't want to be free, or lose from what keeps you in bondage. I am not saying the anointing is weak

The anointing is the power of God and it can manifest  at ranges example from 1-100 it can increase as well as decrease. 1-100 is not a limit on God's power.  Because it is the anointing at 1 you can even be free but it comes  with if you want to be free if you like the things you do and don't want to give them up you will struggle with getting free.

Why was I able to break free because I wanted to be free as well.  I don't like to be in boxes  I hate to be manipulated, turn and twisted I don't like loads I don't carry loads, I DON'T EVEN LIKE TO CARRY MY HAND BAG WHEN IT TOO HEAVY. It's not in my nature I really get uncomfortable uneasy around bondages emotional ones too, I can't rest every time there is a knot. I really don't like it!!!

However my hand bag is almost always heavy, books and bottle of water and the rest stuff, sometimes my laptop it's a big hand bag o_O that is when am going to work.

I remember this every time I go to church or somewhere I would have two or more bags and I would give them  to Shauna and tell her hold them  until it was noticeable everyone was like every time you have load you pass them to her. The other day we were joking about it because she gave me  something to hold and I was not happy about it.

Shauna was the lady that gave me the offering to carry up  because she was not going to make it o_O set up don't you think. The other things that was going through my head was that she always can't make it,  it's a norm for her, look what is happening this money I wonder if it's good -_- set up

Deliverance comes easy when you want to be free as well!
That is a very true statement.

Things I like to do that I need to stop that is a struggle to get rid off; but the things I don't like and need to stop in a few days it's gone seriously.

Honestly I am emotional sometimes, sensitive I really try to be strong, speak strong, look strong, but I burst in tears when am by myself.
I don't know why humans are the way they are, well I do know, but I mean why?

Writing makes me feel better.......... even though am all over here

Emanuel  God is with me
Writing make things legal you said I have written it, I give everything back to You just to have You!
Lord am writing this for you, I know you are reading but I need you more I rather have you  than the things of this world I know you can keep me I know you can because you have and you can do it again. Is there any thing to hard for you to do. NO!

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