Sunday, November 13, 2011

Disciplined and well organised

I have found and been in to some areas of well disciplined and organised setting and am like wow I realize my body and attitude.
First impressions of me is why don't we like to be organised and well disciplined we fight against, feel uncomfortable, out of place, in a box and all that stuff that is called ticking chaos.

I thought of the spirit the horse the animated movie. I thought of my self like that but I had to catch my self and say no no that can't be. Looking at spirit the animated movie  in two directions, one of them is not bad.

If you remember in the movie he was willing to be tamed because he loved the she horse... don't remember her name.
When the officers came to raid the indian camp  and the she horse decided she is not running away just like that, she is going to find her owner, spirit went with her.

They found themselves in a raging river and spirit did not leave her, he tried to rescue her and did even though after all that, he thought she was dead and was forced to go with his capturers in dismay, but hoped spring out and determination to fight for his clan when he thought they were going to raid his home land

We run from discipline because we called it being free, free to do what, cause a chaos ticking chaos, even if that is not our intentions. It is good to be discipline.

This area seems to be something....but it is good, even if your flesh don't like it you got to put it into subjection, seems to be scary and overwhelming sometimes though.

Which is the right full order?

1. Control Discipline and Balance
2. Discipline Control and Balance
3. Discipline Balance and Control
4. Balance Control and Discipline

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