Thursday, November 10, 2011

I was awaken from a dream

I were reading a book of knowledge so to speak. As I read I repeated what I read. I awoke and write down what I was reading however I missed a lot of it the next thing now is that I write what I read on a page that already have on writings.

This is what I read and capture to this realm:

"my opinion of others is like a ludish sweep,....... listening to the wind".

Now there were more however they are not coming to me right now.

What is the meaning of ludish I know of ludicrous.

I just went to look up the word NOW am wondering
I found luda place in china one of the most popular and vast places etc

ludacris the artist
Lucretius a Roman philosopher
Lucretia a lady that was raped  like a really long time ago
These are just some words I found close.
I read some of the information and I could be outrageous about it for is not really pleasing.
That is just the negative side. The positive side is God is like out there too, looking at it from the natural point of view, the things He say to do are ridiculous in the eyes of men.

"My opinion of others is like a ludish sweep"

Is this referring to me or HIMSELF I mean God, HIM, He take the foolish things of the world and confound the wise. 1Corinthians 1:27

How I felt in this dream my opinions of others are not always what I assume them to be.
OR I have a humorous way of looking at things

"But we are now coming to a realization that our engineering sciences, especially chemistry and nuclear physics, have lost the philosophic overview of where we are going, and as this century ends, we must conclude that we have engineered ourselves into a mess. Although the economic purview is still strong, the environmental or "natural" overview is deteriorating at an accelerating rate." 
William Harris Prof. Em. Middlebury College talking on   Lucretius a Roman philosopher

I Put this part here because it caught my attention of also what is happening today in our world and this recession buzz
 Man knowledge is causing things to get worst we need GOD knowledge!

Too be quite  honest I never expected to have this here because before I came to write it was something humorous in my ears I were hearing about all that happen over eh past couple of says I thought of mentioning the word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 
It's a word that makes no sense but is like saying something extraordinary out there that meaning words can't describe it so I got to fashion one.

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