Thursday, November 3, 2011


Music is sweet and it calms the roaring sea in you soul and spirit. I like the african beats melody and Latin music well my grandmother use to play  her Latin string band and  I grew  up on music my mother loves her music and then so did I, my sister oh my. Well my mother side, grandmother  and her mother side is Portuguese and Dutch people that is where the Latin music came in form I suppose and I like it.

My grandmother dad is a Blackman 95 and still is alive went by him on Monday. He played the flute in his days he loves music. He goes to church he gave his heart to he Lord, I don't know if it been ten year since, but he smoked and drink almost all his life, he use to send us to buy his cigarettes. Gods mercy

His nick name is ford because he out ran a ford truck in his day. The man is 95  why you think he strong, am not even thirty as yet  not far though  what and who will I out run.....the enemy -_- only in Jesus by the way It is already done!!!

Other than Father God, this 95 years old man is the only man I called daddy it is indeed a special word!!

I  was speaking to him one day and ask daddy what you father was like, what is his name, he said that he barely knew his dad he went Santo Domingo and never came back he heard he died for he was gambling and chopped off a man butt because of feud, went to hide in the forest and died he say, they say. So I asked what was his name Ezekiel Foster

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