Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This is for you

2 Corinthians from the message bible.

Everything we need is in the bible His word.  
I need to say to you and how I feel.
And I found it right in His word 

That's why I decided not to make another visit that could only be painful to both of us. 

If by merely showing up I would put you in an embarrassingly painful position, how would you then be free to cheer and refresh me?

That was my reason for writing a letter instead of coming—so I wouldn't have to spend a miserable time disappointing the very friends I had looked forward to cheering me up. 

I was convinced at the time I wrote it that what was best for me was also best for you. 

As it turned out, there was pain enough just in writing that letter, more tears than ink on the parchment. 

But I didn't write it to cause pain; I wrote it so you would know how much I care—oh, more than care—love you! 

And I do love you!

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