Friday, November 11, 2011


I dreamed about electricity, plugs, eggs, hair dye, ambulance, travelling bus, hospital.

Almost been electrocuted in my dream, I was walking down a road, and there was some electrical work being done it was a hole with electrical cords like a plug, unfinished I step back but could not go any further. I  was unable to move. Two men was washing vehicles I was stretching my arms toward them to get me out because I could not move every time I tried to move the electricity would pull me back down, one man grabbed my hand the electricity went through his body fell to the ground but still alive, the other one was scared,  but eventually grabbed me the same thing.
 I started to pray and I became free, Now am over on the other side of the road I said call the ambulance to the same men.
The paramedics came and  check me said am fine but I was still feeling the shock waves inside me  I got up with cane or medical wheel thing, walker and I went into the ambulance, the ambulance turn into a bus with people going some where.

The hair dying and the eggs part was before this scene though.

Every time I sleep I dream I just can not share all of the dreams here not because they might be bad  or good is because some I have to keep and guard for appointed time and some are personal and not to be released as yet at least.

Everything is going to be fine!

I'll share this with the hair part I was dying hair with egg and something that look like butter, grease or lard something of that type of substance.

I cracked the eggs open into a bowl and there was also boiled eggs scrambled and I was mixing it and putting it into the hair while dying the hair with the butter looking substance.

The hair colour was black.

I also dyed my hair black almost two weeks ago. I normally have part of it bleached out or have in a burgundy colour rinse over it and all the rest.

I choose black this time because it give me a clean slate to work on so to speak

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