Friday, November 11, 2011

Training Is necessary

Yes you may be good and talented at something but without proper training, you will never experience the full potential of that talent. |
Is like getting a gift you know it's a gift but if you never open it you will never experience what is inside. The wrapping looks lovely the bows and the greeting card but is what is in the inside matters most.
You have to take it out, use it put it together what ever the need may be to get it in action and function.  Even if it has to sit on the centre piece  because it is a vase, what if it's a tool  you need to get it out to use it and fix things with it right...Okay!

So training is necessary to exercise put into action the gift under receptive and rightful areas. you are not going to put you vase in the garage and the tool on the centre piece.

The tool only reaches on the centre piece if it is broken and that specific tool can fix it, after it is fixed it is placed back to its habitat so to speak..

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