Thursday, November 10, 2011

I really got annoyed today

I signed up and subscribed to this service I did two subscription the first one was no good I did the second one unlimited calls minutes well I need it for what am doing. They are now telling me I have to buy more credit why I signed up and paid for unlimited minutes why do I have to buy more not only that I can not get to use the service I sign up for because it wont let me. Going to customer care there is none find tech support I have to pay to get my question answered. REALLY NOW!!!!!  OKAY

I really tried not to be so annoyed you know today is my day off I went to sleep well I ain't so fired up but am still annoyed.
Could you imagine paying for something a service and now they telling you something else. Did you read the fine print, if there was any I would have  the fine print is numbers 1,2, and 3  that contains a link. OKAY NOW well If  I am understanding correctly you only have 10,000 minutes, 6 hours in a day for the month the package I choose, (based on my understanding) so why put unlimited. UNLIMITED means UNLIMITED.

I don't think I have exceed my limits when  the power in my country is going faster than lightning. And I just got it last week Friday in lest than a week  today is Thursday and honestly I have not used it much because I
was being careful with it.

Why do these people do this, it's a very uncomfortable feeling to know you are releasing you money for a service and they are not telling you  the truth about there services, tell me the truth let me make a decision I will make a decision maybe one that you wont like because your service is crap but I will.

Companies need to realize that people will find you out, be accountable and honest, provide good service  good services will bring in more people your credibility and integrity will cause you business to flourish more.

Say what you mean mean what you say.

Now am out of my money and out of a service because they are asking me to pay more when they should have told me that in the beginning have it there in bold caps.
Fine prints is schemey   to me.

And it's not like a did not read anything  is when I click on this other link talking about world unlimited calls is where I found it  because I wanted to make sure of what I signed up for and I retrace my steps so something say click on the world unlimited I see the 1,2 and 3 and click on policy something.
When I just wanted a one specific nation.


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