Friday, November 11, 2011

If I tell

Tell you that, even the people of the past is crying out,  and grieving because of  what they worked so hard to accomplish freedom from slavery and other things  etc not just one aspect but others where we are heading and the mistakes we are making head on. Would you believe. Yes we have accomplish great material gains buildings and technology but but.
We need to get back on track I had this dream  many years ago I never shared it with anyone. Hello it scared me two generation the alive ones and the dead one.  The other side they were grieving.

It was like on the river on the bank experience one on this side and he other on the other side, and it was almost like a riot

There was a song  I wrote it down but I threw it away it was on the back of a note pad the hard part because the pages was all filled out. I kept it for a while but the pad got all disfigured so I tossed it. I have gotten songs in my dream like  Wednesday I woke up with a song and I went to write but I got distracted the song left I can capture some words but the medley is not quite there. I also have one written in one of my books am surprise it is still there. As I said I normally after a while throw them away.

I know this what I just said is outrageous but it is the truth. God is my witness
I also went to pray and do deliverance prayer for myself am serious.

There are people that understand the times we are living in and are doing what is needed to be done!!

I don't know if I will be back here writing any more things, of my dreams thoughts and mood swings.......... ......heehee @ the mood swing part.

Jesus is Lord over all He reigns forever
Jesus is the way the only way to enter in the Kingdom Of God
Jesus is the door
Jesus cares and Loves you with everything He is He loves you

I love you and shalom

The time is now 3:48 pm

I left here to go and get something to eat and while I was eating the Holy Spirit reminded me that I did share the  dream with someone not all of the dream  but some of it with Lorenn he was our bus driver a t the time and he too was in the dream and I just shared to him the dream about it and a little part he was not a Christian and I don't know if he is one now.

It is written the Holy Spirit will remind you of things

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