Thursday, November 10, 2011


I know I can be curious at times but I should have been more curious for that services. Anyway before all that happen though I saw something I  traced  it well I found  meanings for my name kerina  all the time I thought my name did not have a meaning and I actually said my name means pain because of all that I have been through I never found a meaning for my name never until one day ago

Well I mentioned here before  that the Lord said to me that I am pure now and the rest. Well I saw some movement so I traced it and I found other names like karina etc etc and there was the meaning and the origin and all the rest

Well I mentioned  not to long ago that on my mother grandmother, great grandmother etc female side  are Latin although we don't speak it hmm imagine that.... am I wrong to say we are Latin but that where they come from over from that place.....

Karina origin is Greek Latin means pure and dear beloved one and also torture and pure and dear beloved one karina come from kathrina and other names similar to that. Such as kareena karyna all the rest

So even though mine is spelt with an (e) dose it mean the same definitely I am Pure. The Lord said so.

I don't know if you notice but a lot of people have lost there origin and there tongue.
But anyway I have one I found my original original origin and tongue God The Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit and my heavenly language.

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