Friday, January 13, 2012

Your husband or wife says

Your husband or wife comes up to you and say I am giving you this diamond ring, but you don't deserve it. Hehe
I would definitely get me some popcorn and sprite for what is about to come.............lololol

Honey am giving you this diamond ring but you don't deserve it, you don't cook clean nor do other things for me.

Husband that sees Potential
Honey am giving you this diamond ring because I see you in the future being the best you can be and doing the best for me and other things and I love you! I want to spend the rest of my live with you!

Gods see out potential!

He sees our sin He does not like them, most of all He sees us as we really are,  that is why we deserve it!
He does not wish that non should perish 2 Peter 3:9

Why would He "wish' none would perish? He is a just God. Sin can not go unpunished.
Why God is wishing  that none will  perish.?

Now I need to find out what this mean in it's original text

I don't know where I get wishing from but it's he is not willing
Haven't you heard  He is not wishing for any to perish somewhere too-_-

Okay even so why is He not willing for any to perish 2 peter 3:9

He sees that you deserve it but it's you choice can you see and believe that you deserve it.

Wishing set a mood willing disarm the mood interesting feeling now... am I confuse....... NOPE
I have heard this before it is good to read your bible for yourself and ask questions
Some people don't like thinkers and askers, thinkers are askers # interesting
Just go with the flow.

Another outrageous thought

We be sing He deserve it He is worthy  and all that and that is true. But He is in you. If you don't feel you deserve it.
How will He express himself through you?

You would feel He up in the sky looking down pounding on you you full of sin, you don't deserve it I sacrifice my son and look at you

You deserve it!

You deserve His love and mercy, His sacrifice you just got to know and believe that.
It is because we deserve it and is worthy to become more worthy why He died.

He saw it fit and pleasing to do it, it was hard embarrassing, crazy, radical and selfless Love Jesus Christ showed.

That is why He is worthy of all my praise He did it just for me and you.

He is right inside of you  He wants you to believe and trust in the God in you.

Jesus is the way the door to finding out who is this God Living in you the Holy Spirit is you Guide, teacher comforter.... say yes to Him

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