Thursday, January 26, 2012


I have been dreaming of fire, planes crashing plane on fire in the sky fire falling in my hand and not burning me this is not the first time, but this time was different.

The dream this morning
this plane looked like an animated plane changing from bright orange from fire off  like it was hot on fire but as it got closer it looked huge and changing from one colour to another  but  landed on its nose and crashed and the fire spread off in the field where i was and I started to run and I shouted to my mother and everyone else that was in the field find cover there was a building i was running to and i reached the building so did the fire it consumed me and i open my eyes the building and my self was not burnt the fields and the airport was not burnt but there was some men removing some dated small planes off the air port and the wreck from the plane turned out to be huge telephone corded toed away.

A camel out run a truck on the beach that was blue calm and clear.

Dreamed about a camel before.
 A huge camel and then the camel went into the water looked like a half camel and half horse and I saw A bridge, I know the name of the bridge and where the bridge is located..........this dream was in 2011

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