Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I want to tell you this

This does not come from Jealousy. It comes from expereinces and what I have seen as well. When people become to common with you they devalue you, you become worthless they feel they will be able to do whatever and whenever walk into your bedroom and all that.

I saw, and really was not bothered or moved into disturbia, but as caution am moving this way, saying this.

I've been waitng,  and waiting on God is proof of trust. I've been in some battles and sowing my battle seed cause me to be at peace. I am at peace!

Disloyalty can come from anyone but if you look at the bible trend with disloyalty they mostly come from the people that are very or close to you. David and absolom. Jehovah and lucifer, Jesus and judas

It could even be me, especially if I get in pride and ego thinking oh it will never be me i will never do that I can't do such a thing I am more likely to do such a thing  and I can prove it.
 In my writing "after I did I saw".

I almost lost my mind when I saw those things. And "who caused it" of course the enemy.

Set you up right after you praise yourself and  or the man or woman of God you get offended or whatever else and if you don't know what to do when that happen you become disloyal.

Can you even recognize it (disloyalty) when it comes? It  comes in offenses, you get offended, disappointed and you can not digest what you see or hear.

To   avoid these  kind of messes, you really have to renew your mind, be in prayer, search your heart, clean it out everyday etc.

I heard a man of God said when you get offended it is undigested revelation!

My writing here its not just by what I hear it is my expereince all of them are true.

I did  a piece for my other blog site about Televison  in december and why certain channels ratings are high and making it. It is because of there transparency and  rawness.  I have not released it, because it has to be  right  with statistic and  properly edited.

I hear people (I will stay with the word people) can I be real, well excuse me this is a real world those TV shows sure aint asking if they can be, ratings are high the people say they can relate because they are real.

I wonder who going around being False?

Excuse me I have to be real........... HMMMMM

Back to what I saw Be careful I love you I really do. No strings attached
Motives and intentions and deep things.
Sometimes people, female or male may intepret things differently.

Also becasue I saw, for me was contraction to spit out this here( nicer word birth out this here since in november I had this disloyal thing inside) #interesting

Please note am not saying that you must be hard to reach unavailable in terms that people can not relate to you, you can be a people person humble have friends but if your friends don't know their limitation I guess you have to let them know.

Kerina do you know your limitations? The body does...-_-
Do I have limitations?
I am  is unlimited!

I am is in me. I am expresses through me. I am unlimited!

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