Saturday, January 28, 2012

Heritage and Home

There is a difference I found that out too.

Pass port

I dreamed of receiving a bank  book  when I opened it it was a pass port  interesting isn't it.

Before I dreamed of that about a week or more I decided, I made up in my mind, it started within first, before you can experience anything in your walking life it has to come and starts within first then it comes out everything is within.

So goodbye to SKB

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Overcame waiting syndrome

I use to really hate songs about waiting I don't mind waiting.

I'm like  God I have been waiting my whole life I still have to wait those songs use to irritate me,
now I listen to them I play them, I don't play them that often....lolol
for real I am good a thought just came to me.

Waiting on God is proof of trust, however you need to occupy yourself with other things that will keep you growing to be more effective for where you are going.

Feeling that you are running out of time means you are not settled you are anxious worried, flustered and all that other nonsense emotions.

Class yesterday was good

One on ones, you learn more, more open  ask more questions understanding is enlightened  faster


I have been dreaming of fire, planes crashing plane on fire in the sky fire falling in my hand and not burning me this is not the first time, but this time was different.

The dream this morning
this plane looked like an animated plane changing from bright orange from fire off  like it was hot on fire but as it got closer it looked huge and changing from one colour to another  but  landed on its nose and crashed and the fire spread off in the field where i was and I started to run and I shouted to my mother and everyone else that was in the field find cover there was a building i was running to and i reached the building so did the fire it consumed me and i open my eyes the building and my self was not burnt the fields and the airport was not burnt but there was some men removing some dated small planes off the air port and the wreck from the plane turned out to be huge telephone corded toed away.

A camel out run a truck on the beach that was blue calm and clear.

Dreamed about a camel before.
 A huge camel and then the camel went into the water looked like a half camel and half horse and I saw A bridge, I know the name of the bridge and where the bridge is located..........this dream was in 2011

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Spirit of diligence come upon me

Walk on the water

To experience walking on the water you have to let go of the boat the past experience and hold on to the new.

I have been hearing you can not serve two master at the same time, and you can not.
You will obey one and disobey the other.

I have been letting go very slowly but letting go. I have made up in my mind what I want. the visions He provided me has assured me of that, it is consistent. Line upon line precept upon precept.

I remember this particular one I was like what! I did not do that! It was a glimpse of my future
I saw my future and I am seeing it and I have decided to live there!!

The evidence of peace in your heart, is a sign that is He is really near to you.

The Spirit of God (His presence) stills you

The power stirs

Who would have thought

 Who thought I would have a pit bull ? Not me !! I Have one and two more is coming well not for me to keep but give away or sell  and another chihuahua mix with something because the owner don't know what  breed/ pregnate the dog........... lol

It could be a cat-dog...........lololololololol

New dog

Have a new pup baige she is a pit bull...-_- well she bit me, eating out of my hand is that my fault she thought she had meat.

Shiloah is jealous bad, he was trampling over her and biting her when I was with her playing, she fighting back though had to put him on his leash.

Am thinking of selling her shiloah and am getting another pup imagine that

Friday, January 20, 2012

Another conclusion we have been trained to fear.
Unloading is getting easier and easier practice do make perfect!!
Happiness is not the absence of pain and struggle

But the ability & willingness to accept that change can be 

painful. Quote#MPEBJ



Today was a day I will never forget. it was not a day of rejoicing fire, rage  heaviness of emotion inside feel despair I came to a conclusion I don't like religion.

Jesus is still lord and the only way!!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Victory see it, believe it, receive it

Remember who is victorious, You are, I am victorious
Remember everything starts within

Victory, celebrate and give God thanks whether small or big, give appreciation and thanks for your breakthroughs small or big, it meant something to you, It healed you, liberated you.  You were able to move on from that point to another point give thanks breakthroughs and victory starts within.

Looked up the meaning for what is a breakthrough these are some:

An act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction.
 A military offensive that penetrates an enemy's lines of defense.
 A major achievement or success that permits further progress.

Break through a sudden burst of revealed knowledge in the area you struggled with that takes you up and pushes you past the state of your resistance!!

Don't let anyone stop your breakthroughs.

a time when you begin to be successful at something

Are you walking with God like you walking on ice?

He is not afraid of your thoughts and opinions.
He is a God of expressions, thoughts, ideas, creation and everything, we can not shock him, surprise him, He knows everything.

I use to be afraid of what people will say about me I really tried to cross my T's and dot My I's. I agree standard responsibility and accountability is needed.

I am not talking about that part though it's call intimidation, of your own self, that does not make sense but it is true. look at it again.

Being a people pleaser will only make you displease God and yourself
What people require of you God requires something else and more
You try to please everyone and when you needed someone no one was around
You try to stand up for yourself, you are then labelled being a radical
What causes all of this?

control and power everyone wants
Who has the power?
Who builds up and take down?
Is it not God Almighty Sovereign Lord!

There is a war going on, within your self, outside your self, where ever your think it exist it is going on.
Jesus defeated the enemy 2,000 years ago
So why so many people still walking in defeat, a lot of them know Him, I knew Him. I know Him more today.

How important you think you are?
Very important to God your thoughts and opinion matters why you have them if they don't even your doubts something had to create it for you to believe God would not leave you stranded.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My hand

Thinking about my hand being inside me may seems like am trying to make it on my own that thought came to me,  then I realize that I have a hand in whether I fail or succeed my choices  determines failure or success

We all have a hand in our lives whether you want to believe it or not He said I put before you life and death choose, put you hand in and choose, pick life or death.

You have to mend up yourself from the hurts of your surrounding environment.

When you are alone you have to make the choices for yourself.

Abraham choose to go, he could have stayed but he went.
Thank God!

Woke up sunday morning

I dreamed I was on my sister bed and my mother was mending me up from a caesarian cut or abdominal surgery. I had a home surgery in the dream was not in a hospital. Lots of blood and I saw, it seemed like my hand fixing it and also my mother hand, Then she started to pad me up and everything like that and I got up and I was fine but had on mending cloths

Well I did not want to tell my mother about the blood because Here in this culture they say blood is shameful and embarrassing and all that.

Then I said No it can't be I will not except that. Started to think
my mother
A mending up..... I need care
I Figure the blood of Jesus and His passion My passion needs to be developed

Need tender loving care just laugh okay(*_*)  a tension truth breaker

I am hoping for the best I accept and expect the best!

I have had other dreams but I will keep them

I am so aware of this; developing and being mentored that is why am on this road for it is by the Holy Spirit leading  why I am where am at and I just need to trust him in me and  just do it
I am doing it.

Some people have disqualified themselves from my presence and I am qualifying myself for the place that is called there, presently I am already being qualified by the Holy Spirit in my future I am walking it out!


Only crazy mind people would think what am saying here is wrong, or am disrespectful, I use to have a crazy mind  thinking everybody is against me and all that I am not against you nor am I with you if You are thinking like that. However I want you to come out of the craziness and nuts section into awareness of who you really are let go of the hurts and forgive and move on and Live!

I am home

Going to edit what I have written and remove certain contents if necessary.

Why we keep going around the same mountain?

We push everything under the rug instead of dealing with the issues. We hide our faults and past and even forget them  if you forget your past you  wull repeat thm in the future quote~ MPEBJ

This man of God mentioned, the jews don't forget their history, such as their feast and tradition and  the holocaust.

You can not push any more situation under the rug it will come back up and out. Bite you in the butt.

Reality  shows the audience can relate to the life of these people with their baby and man drama
maybe even the life they dream about

Are you polishing  up dirt, like you living in utopia
Am not saying you can't have a utopia am saying it's time to be real!

I am going to get me some paint so I wont have to get so much build


Am still at work  but I feeling it building up.
There comes a time in our life where we have to move on from good to better
the only thing wrong with good it is the enemy of great!

Now  am going pray about this and wait  I need to specifically say something direct and not in parable

You have to know the difference.

More still

I am still at work have about three more hours to go before I reach home
Still feeling congested, so am realesing ..haha

This is serious  about what is happening in the body of Christ.  I don't know how many peopl would come  acroos this or this type of information and it is out there.

Because it is not in the form you like you stay away.

I have also learnt that when you are offend  and you talk to other your intention is not to mend but to bulldoze  & tear down  who ever hurt you.

The people that you would vent  most of the time, they can not help you not only that you are feeding them junks and they will not be able to receive from the person who hurt you, they already full with preconceive ideas and notions about them.

The best person to talk to is God, then the person that hurt you it is written if you have a fault with your brother or sister go to  them in person and resolve it. Mathew18:15

If they don't want to hear you well let it go and move on of course in the hands of God

Offense is serious deal with it properly with God

I am thinking about, the way the life works out. How we treat people. I thought of David and absolam  and why he became disloyal he was offended by the way his fahter handled the situation of his sister rape.

Offence leads to animosity hatred anger rage now  He felt He could have dealt with it better to sooth his raging soul for revenge. Now he also had someone in his ear to even stir up those negative emotion instead of helping  him find grounds of forgiveness. Offense can breed any other type of trouble in your life.

That is why I have learnt when you get in the spirit of offense you really have to talk to the Father  let him know how you feel. My experience of speaking with Him

I newly learned if you have a renewed mind and where you realized that their is more you can get in terms of lessons, see it as an oppotunity to exam your intentions and motive your heart  be optomistic you will see,  everything works out for your good.

You will be free from the  load of oppression and depression, freedom to walk with your head high and heart free.

I can go furhter but am  working leaving in a few hours this computer acting up did not walk  with my laptop mis my     but am good.

Realises am in this transitioning too long have to sow a transitioning seed I have learned in the transitioning season you are not really under any covering isn't that something.

I know that God has me covered I love him so much I vent more on my personal journal instead of here being  more smart however am still at peace the seed speaks. If you delay on what you have to do your promise will be in delay too this transition seed should have already been sown with my battle seed.
 been feeling congested and emotional out of paint

System sticking  and  I will do correction when I reach home needed some of this out  of me  :)
reached home and made correction. 10:38am

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There are signs to identify fathers

The parable of the prodigal son Luke 15

A father will always have his arms open for you, willing to let you go and waiting for you to return, also restoring you.

Everyone is not father to everyone, you can not be even in your church you can not be a father to everyone and it's  not a source or rebellion and wrong motives.

God allows theses things to happen., being kicked out and the rejection after a period of time to get us where we need to be.

the kicking out experience that happens when a child is born right the womb rejects the baby although the baby wants to be back inside it just can't would not survive.

Am getting out this surrogacy thing in a less abrasive way.

Who the people really belong too?

You or Him

I am back to what Jesus asked peter do you love me; feed my sheep.
Spiritual surrogacy need to say it how He wants it.

My opinion this job is not easy

Secret: In prayer and fasting it prepares you and you become free and open to hear His voice better, and other things too.
I know why some people run.

I learnt something about prayer! very powerful

Have some questions though.

Can we actually say what God wants us to say?
I am working on it

Just do it!

Does God only like rich people?

I wonder many times when I see the way things are. The lean towards the the people that look like or have money.

Lean towards the group or clique that can provide them with status. All the rest too.

What I really want to say can I say it?

I was praying one night rather morning in the office and I had a vision where I saw His face and talked about His people and how much He cares  for them. That is where "most of all" came from.  They are the weaker half...I really wonder when I see what I see, how much does He care? I know a whole lot.

He needs men and women to say and do and be true to who they are, to deliver what He wants, we are the vessels, the body, that God uses to express Himself through.

I heard a man of God say it.  He was on a panel discussion that I really enjoyed.
Sad though enough of them is not saying it.
The people see it, that is why some of them you can't get them out.
I know you really got to teach men to fish otherwise they will eat you down for the rest of your life,
but I guess favour ain't fear.

Did I miss it?

There is spiritual surrogacy

Surrogate is an arrangement between  more than one parties  to carry and birth a child or children.
Giving birth to a child does not make you biological father or mother, you were given the opportunity to carry the child because of reasons beyond your control. Spiritually

Naturally the woman has a choice to decide should she take this case or not, the parents can decide do I want to have this person carry my seed/egg.

God is the one that decide where I will plant my seed to get a certain type of harvest, crop, breed. In terms of the rejection, the climate, the mind set, being in the wilderness for 40 days and nights.

Certain flowers needs hard conditions soft conditions to bloom but they reach all across the world in showcases, supermarkets etc.

With new advance  and innovative technology and science they can grow anything but it's not authentic.
God is into authenticity. 

Surrogacy is something that most of us think it's a new thing on the scenes of life of mankind, but it has been around for a long time, before you and I were even born.
Spiritually it existed.

And you did know perhaps did not pay attention.

4:20 am and  I am up because, I have had this in me since last year when I was not here as much, the original wording is very blunt.

My intention was to place it on  my other blog where my name would not show I think, although I have the other blog it seems as though this is where God wants me to be.  

I am definitely holding back, not because I am scared, it is so that you can get it in a smaller proportion  to understand and digest and think.

Every one learning ability is not the same.
Small words makes big words.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day of laughter

I feel like laughing. I had a couple of good laughs today, but i still feel like I need some more, I need some more.

It's been a while since I have not shared some dreams with you, but know this everything is going to be all right God has everything in control.

Trust and Believe

Friday, January 13, 2012

I am a dreamer

Smith Wigglesworth said vision is no use to me if I don't make them a reality "real"

If I don't Vs If I do

wishing in the pew

Wishing??? God wishing! Why would God be wishing?
 Isn't He all powerful! People in the pew, "God wishes"?
(funny light bulb) Maybe that is where they get wishful thinking from sitting in the pew hearing stuff like that so They go and wish too because God is wishing.
God shaking His head ....nonononono

Hmm interesting

OHHH How I have made some wishes -_-

When you wish upon a what..... I wonder where you are..........twinkle twinkle

Your husband or wife says

Your husband or wife comes up to you and say I am giving you this diamond ring, but you don't deserve it. Hehe
I would definitely get me some popcorn and sprite for what is about to come.............lololol

Honey am giving you this diamond ring but you don't deserve it, you don't cook clean nor do other things for me.

Husband that sees Potential
Honey am giving you this diamond ring because I see you in the future being the best you can be and doing the best for me and other things and I love you! I want to spend the rest of my live with you!

Gods see out potential!

He sees our sin He does not like them, most of all He sees us as we really are,  that is why we deserve it!
He does not wish that non should perish 2 Peter 3:9

Why would He "wish' none would perish? He is a just God. Sin can not go unpunished.
Why God is wishing  that none will  perish.?

Now I need to find out what this mean in it's original text

I don't know where I get wishing from but it's he is not willing
Haven't you heard  He is not wishing for any to perish somewhere too-_-

Okay even so why is He not willing for any to perish 2 peter 3:9

He sees that you deserve it but it's you choice can you see and believe that you deserve it.

Wishing set a mood willing disarm the mood interesting feeling now... am I confuse....... NOPE
I have heard this before it is good to read your bible for yourself and ask questions
Some people don't like thinkers and askers, thinkers are askers # interesting
Just go with the flow.

Another outrageous thought

We be sing He deserve it He is worthy  and all that and that is true. But He is in you. If you don't feel you deserve it.
How will He express himself through you?

You would feel He up in the sky looking down pounding on you you full of sin, you don't deserve it I sacrifice my son and look at you

You deserve it!

You deserve His love and mercy, His sacrifice you just got to know and believe that.
It is because we deserve it and is worthy to become more worthy why He died.

He saw it fit and pleasing to do it, it was hard embarrassing, crazy, radical and selfless Love Jesus Christ showed.

That is why He is worthy of all my praise He did it just for me and you.

He is right inside of you  He wants you to believe and trust in the God in you.

Jesus is the way the door to finding out who is this God Living in you the Holy Spirit is you Guide, teacher comforter.... say yes to Him

Who really deserve it

I have heard and is continuous we don't deserve it. So why did He died? He has to be thinking we deserve it.

Your worthy to become more worthy!

I don't understand a lot of things  and sayings, they seem to be so strange and confusing I deserve it I don't deserve it, could you please make up your mind.

Don't you think that it is because you deserve it why, He died sacrifice His life  for a worthy people that was bamboozle and missed it.

Bamboozle means to confuse, frustrate, throw off. Who threw us off course?

Example My great great grand mother and their family came to the Caribbean from Portugal to a Island   Curacao  they spoke Dutch guess what I don't speak dutch or portuguese  and am living in skb I was born in skb, my grand mother and mother and their siblings and the rest thrown off. I was thrown off.

Somewhere along this life we got thrown off course.  Thrown off from walking into our divine nature to dominate. Adam and Eve had dominion.

Jesus came to put us back on the right course, in between those years  the "inner  me" and "enemy" of the souls of mankind been at work. In the people you least expect too-_-

It is not wrong to think, If you don't think How will you create?
If you don't think How will you have dominion it's not the garden of Eden any more. We have to think to make the 21st century the Garden of Eden.

Thank God for air planes, jets, boats and ship, brick houses no more straw houses  for the wolf to blow down!! LOL

My god some people still living in straw houses..........O_o

Deja Vu

I have come to the conclusion that people who say they experience deja vu is because they are doing the same thing over and over again. Nothing change, they walk out the past into their future.
Forgetting there past and keep reliving it.  A circle.

To enter into the promise land you have to renew your thinking.
The future you want and desire if you renew your thinking, your thinking patterns will create the life you  desire and or living "Now"

"Be transform by the renewing of  your mind" Romans 12:2

To be transform you have to renew your mind!

"Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, lovely and of good report think on those things" Philippians 4:8

I am living where I want to in my thinking. I am where Gods wants me to be in my thinking. I have my hearts desire in my thinking. It will them become a reality of course with me walking it out and I am. I am doing what I love telling you, sharing with you in writings, soon public speaking and on media.

This is public speaking, "Hello"

"PUBLIC" (^_^)

Love ya
God bless

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A good thing

Was trying to turn the Russian writing upside down to get it in English.
It looks like upside down letters, it ain't work, not a word O_o

От Иоанна 3

 Потому что Бог так возлюбил мир, что отдал своего единственного Сына ради того, чтобы каждый, кто поверит в Него, не погиб, но имел вечную жизнь.

Well I am seeing "To my hero" here.

Like a child

"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter in at all" 
Luke 18:17

He opens up for me and He is willing and ready to open Himself up to you, if You choose HIM and let HIM in your heart.

Something about being Here

I discover things here!

Confession My another blog site well just imagine
it is still there I have writings for there yes
But this is first...imagine that -_-

I discover you...I mean you.....yes you

The Bible is a person the Holy Spirit

You ever notice when you get a new bible you feel to of touch you can not find what you are looking for I was just thinking that
The bible is a person the Holy Spirit, the bread of life, manifest in the tangible book bible he is more of course  But the bible is a person the Holy spirit.

Earlier this morning I felt an Utterance to write on Ephesian 6 about parents and children and I went for it and he open up to me just like that
It is not the first time but I feel him even right now
He wants me to let you know He is

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In tears

Am congested with inside thoughts and expressions, this morning was a morning  yesterday too but Just want you to know that No mater what Jesus loves you, He cares so much about you, He wants you to be whole.

I am writing but for my personal area  I feel that and I know that these things can no longer reach here, not because of me but that open part of my life have to be under His hands until He is ready to release again. I will definitely tell you about him give you some scriptures etc. Especially for you.

In my writing today, I realize I found my family. Have you found  yours? It is important it's time to find our stream or linked or part of body. What part are you? Find it, the body is coming together the foot can not be in the arm,  the nose can not be in the eye, find your body part.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Awakening time

Restoring, rebuilding and oneness, how many will see and receive and what will they receive?
The right or the wrong thing?
Will they be scared or ignorant?
Will they run or will they stay?
What are their motives and intentions, is it bad or good?

No more it is I but it is us, no more it is mine, but ours.
No more you and I, but we.

Not them and those
These and they, but a people  a remnant of people, Gods people united finally united......... one body!

One life ends another life begins

This is the story of my journey, a true journey more than a story but a life, my life. The Life that was given to me by the most High God. The life that I thought out into this reality.

What is reality? The state or quality of being real. resemblance to what is real. a real thing or fact. Something that exists independently of all other things and from which all other things derive.

"From which all other things derive". What is the "other".

Another place and time, realm if you please. 

I know about intimacy


Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity.
 Relating to or indicative of one's deepest nature: intimate prayers.
 Essential; innermost: the intimate structure of matter.
 Very personal; private: an intimate letter.
 Of or involved in a sexual relationship. 

A close friend or confidant.
To make known subtly and indirectly; hint.  To announce; proclaim.

I know what intimate and intimacy is  

Now there is different levels  as you can see

Between and man and a woman is another part deeper ~~~~Of or involved in a sexual relationship. 

Adam knew his wife eve~~ intimacy


Another thing about prayer I want to share

There are times when the father daughter experience goes up to  lover. This may sound unorthodox, am not talking about no weird thing.
It is like I don't know how to put in in words, talking about it right now am like whoa it's so real I feel Him all in my hands when I speak about him.

Intimacy what do I know about intimacy. I am a single woman victim of rape and molestation but over came I am now a victor. Anything other is with my teddy no weird stuff please.

I believe you got the picture..........perfect (^_^)

I feel Him, and am not talking about weird things. His presence and Love the thickness of His love, is like a wrap and then he releases you out and pull you back in, that sounds like a dance.
I know Jesus Loves you.
There are layers of prayer and different experiences in prayer, I guess is what you want to experience. I dare to think that this man is more than just a Father But everything to me when I need Him to be and what He is not is because I limit my self, my belief system.

What I don't experience is because I refuse and afraid to walk into it, afraid of........... what are you afraid of?

He is a friend, a father, and a mother, doctor, psychologist and all the rest!! 

What is prayer

We have all heard prayer in communicating with God. Yes you have to communicate, communication is not just one sided but you have to give and take and listen as well. talking to God and praying to God they are two different things. How I know?

I talk to god everyday but talking to God is not praying. My experience in talking to God Is where I have my tantrums, screams and yells and also where He may speak very sternly to me. I hear a word or two sometimes more and He is mostly quiet, So it seems. This statement is not saying I collar up God, I don't, How could you collar up your Father, that would be disrespectful.  For me it's more like a baby that when it is ready to sleep  it has to cry and fuss, rub its eyes and cry and toss and turn before  it goes down to bed.

That is where you are at peace you hear His heart, and what is on it, what He wants to do, it is serene environment atmosphere of worship and intimacy, you become quiets and He just take full course, handle of the situation. He tells you How He feels, He ask you how you feel too, He satisfies you, leaves you wanting more.

You have yet to tell me who you are! This came from an experience I was having. Where I was asking  who are you? You know about me and probably know me,certain things, but I have yet to experience who you are.

Many people know about God but have yet to expereince Him. and some say you have yet to tell me who you are? He is saying you have yet to come up into my presence my door is open, is yours open for me to come in?

Just sharing my opinion, my experience there is a whole lot more to prayer

I feel spoiled, when He is near and far too when I reflect
when I call Him Father I literally means Father this is the type of relationship I have with Him
My limitations comes form me, not wanting to do what He ask and when He ask, because it may sound or look foolish, that is where we live beneath our potentials and wholeness.

Everything I have been through and He allowed it was for me to share it, with you. When I think and look at my character and what He said, I was angry why use me as a guinea pig. He rather your honesty to Him than your neglect and rejection, because rejection hurts.

People are becoming to realize that as a man thinketh so is he.proverbs 23:7
I started to wonder If I have anything to do with being the guinea pig? I would day dream of, things happening to me and God show up and rescue me. Being in accident and nothing happens to me, I must be out of my mind to write this because writing makes things legal. But I have lived it as well.

I live in those world seriously, so am adjusting my thoughts now to How I need them to be, to manifest what I need right now, our thoughts are pressed out into our reality so we really control our lives more than we know.
God  in us, manifesting our thoughts, and you become a  god or a devil, good or bad energy thing. We have divinity
I am divine. # interesting
 We have to fix our thoughts seriously!!

Lords of lords Kings of kings # interesting

Many people say they love god and believe in Him but they neglect and reject in in their lives, I have been there too love he Lord, but I have to wonder How can you love a person and neglect and reject them cheat on them. what is the cause for this weird behaviour.

Is it that we are so sin mindful that we are afraid to enter into His presence, we feel unworthy dirty and filthy.

Who is more filthier and dirty than satan?

He goes and accuse the brethren everyday. revelation 12:10

So why can't we go with boldness when He said come with boldness? It is written Hebrews 4:16

He said it!
Anything that is against God Jehovah Jesus Christ is antichrist, and to be more candid you yourself can be that way fighting against the will and power of God.............. OMG
That inner enemy
That flesh Romans 8:13 even say kill destroy the deeds flesh

Am all over on this page

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm at peace

Women leaders in the Bible

Deborah in Judges 4-5 talks about her leading winning a battle.  It was won by a woman because the male refuse to step up and lead and she (another woman Jael) step up to the plate and killed sisera . She(Deborah) did her work under a tree because she was a female leader that led this battle.

Now am thinking why did she not protest and say the people are coming to me I am the leader I want to sit in the court house. It is because she knew her role she was a married woman she sit under a tree and judge and prophesied to the people.

Am wondering if that tree mean something if it is a symbol maybe the tree of life Jesus is the tree of life......maybe it represented a covering maybe for shade/ symbolic.

(I am expressing me this is not from theological seminars  I am pressing out something out of me okay)

She is not unfamiliar to me since in 2010 the lord carried me there and am back again there I better go read and freshen up on this.

There are other female leaders Moses sister Miriam, Anna she is in Luke 2:36 38 and others

Who Can Be Leaders

They can be Male or Female, nothing is wrong with a woman leader.
Now although nothing is wrong with a woman leader, and if she is called to lead, it is not and never over her husband.
She can own businesses and run ministries, It is still not over her husband.
How I know He told me so am telling you!
He has been teaching me about this too, am letting it soak in.

If you are a person that is always in charge and bossy it will be challenging to except it but if you understand your role, you will know it is not a belittlement.

Being a wife is not a lower role than being a husband and being in charge, because when He is out to work and or both  of you.  You are the one the leaves the instructions for the work to be done in the house for the children or help maids, they report to you you report to him and that is not a bad thing.

To be honest the man don't even want to know all that run down about grocery, detergents, mops and brooms etc. I would want to know that because I rather use this detergent it cleans better, buy this type of broom or mop the bristles are always coming out of the broom and linty fabric is being left behind when you use this kind of mop etc. And you know we don't want that, Hello!

Some men rather not know what tissue you use in the bathroom just as long there is tissue to be used. Get the job done in terms of making sure the house is set and ready.

This type of information coming from me is something, I use to think that if I were a man things would have been different for me. I use to say If I were a man  I would have been a great man. I am not homosexual anything I am a woman and I am loving it. Matter of fact my first child I want it to be a boy, it has to be a boy and it will be a boy child in Jesus name. I decree and declare it. It is done Amen!

I saw my future and I decided to live there!!

Women we are indeed leaders whether CEO of a corporation, Wife, Waitress, Actress, School Teacher, First Lady, I rather say Only Lady.  Women do a job a man can't do, that is to be female, we carry and receive or duties, we birth our destiny. The man plants the seed, our body is the soil that nurture and nourishes that seed, we may stay in the darkness to protect the seed until it is time for it to come out in the light and shine. This concept is both Spiritual and physical.

I am still working on me, Jehovah is still working on me, am not where I use to be and still going on.

This picture needs to be reconstructed

I love this picture and I have it upon my twitpic
I was in communion and worship the lord brought this picture right in front of me  
the man is the one that should be holding the child and the woman holding up the hands of the man
Holding the child 
reference He mentioned Abraham and Isaac.
up on the Mount Moriah, Sarah was holding them up in prayers
So now am not sure if I love it 
 the idea I love where the man and woman at least in agreement.
Maybe what He said is just for me..
Maybe I love it too much and He need to get my priority right!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In the presence of Jehovah

Joel 3:9-14

the Lord drop this  last night as i sit in the office working interesting Joel 3:9-14

Another thing again  I am at peace!!

Another thing

Now actually means now!
The time now in the now means now for  real.

Who reads

I know who all read this, so my question is why don't you leave a comment  say hello, how you doing?

Oh am I suppose to sa, please leave a comment and tell me how you feel about this......... okay I will!

Please leave a comment and tell me how you feel about this blog your insight will be grately appreciated.

Thank you
Love you

Thank you Russia for reading love you
And the rest of you thank you for reading I do love you
Love all of you (*-*)

I want to tell you this

This does not come from Jealousy. It comes from expereinces and what I have seen as well. When people become to common with you they devalue you, you become worthless they feel they will be able to do whatever and whenever walk into your bedroom and all that.

I saw, and really was not bothered or moved into disturbia, but as caution am moving this way, saying this.

I've been waitng,  and waiting on God is proof of trust. I've been in some battles and sowing my battle seed cause me to be at peace. I am at peace!

Disloyalty can come from anyone but if you look at the bible trend with disloyalty they mostly come from the people that are very or close to you. David and absolom. Jehovah and lucifer, Jesus and judas

It could even be me, especially if I get in pride and ego thinking oh it will never be me i will never do that I can't do such a thing I am more likely to do such a thing  and I can prove it.
 In my writing "after I did I saw".

I almost lost my mind when I saw those things. And "who caused it" of course the enemy.

Set you up right after you praise yourself and  or the man or woman of God you get offended or whatever else and if you don't know what to do when that happen you become disloyal.

Can you even recognize it (disloyalty) when it comes? It  comes in offenses, you get offended, disappointed and you can not digest what you see or hear.

To   avoid these  kind of messes, you really have to renew your mind, be in prayer, search your heart, clean it out everyday etc.

I heard a man of God said when you get offended it is undigested revelation!

My writing here its not just by what I hear it is my expereince all of them are true.

I did  a piece for my other blog site about Televison  in december and why certain channels ratings are high and making it. It is because of there transparency and  rawness.  I have not released it, because it has to be  right  with statistic and  properly edited.

I hear people (I will stay with the word people) can I be real, well excuse me this is a real world those TV shows sure aint asking if they can be, ratings are high the people say they can relate because they are real.

I wonder who going around being False?

Excuse me I have to be real........... HMMMMM

Back to what I saw Be careful I love you I really do. No strings attached
Motives and intentions and deep things.
Sometimes people, female or male may intepret things differently.

Also becasue I saw, for me was contraction to spit out this here( nicer word birth out this here since in november I had this disloyal thing inside) #interesting

Please note am not saying that you must be hard to reach unavailable in terms that people can not relate to you, you can be a people person humble have friends but if your friends don't know their limitation I guess you have to let them know.

Kerina do you know your limitations? The body does...-_-
Do I have limitations?
I am  is unlimited!

I am is in me. I am expresses through me. I am unlimited!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I deliberately  don't have a camera I will definitely get one so I can show you my art.
Wait what was that and me.........(*-*) lol

Don't you like surprises? You have to wait for that one some more, nothing to do with low self esteem it started that way but now it's not.

Am coming out!

The element of surprise is a good one.

Happy new days for me


I did not know Nesha means night..........interesting
Well what is more interesting is that it states that Nesha means Agnes in  Russian and Agnes it means pure. Kerina means pure from Greek  Katrina.

Am wondering now if this source is accurate lol...or coincident interesting.

Nothing happens by mistake or coincident.

Surfing the internet, can it get you in trouble.

My other middle name well it actually before Nesha, it is Arabic for excellent or excellent in Arabic and my dad said it means African princes whether he made it up .....(:

Why am not telling you my other name I-wanna-keep-something -_-
Look up the word excellent in Arabic see what you get lolololol
Am going to do that right now.

Time17:50 well I don't understand that writing but if I put my name in and ask for the meaning they tell me excellent in Arabic

lollolol Its funny how one names can be so important, someone mispronounces your name you are quickly ready to correct them, names are indeed important.
Meaning of names why they have the meaning on the internet, everyone wants to find out the meaning of their life it is somehow attached to ones name.

I wonder why some people actually  take the name of the father and the mother and put it together and get a name and I have a real person example that goes to school with my sister.

Her mother name is Iesha and Her father name is Spleggy, they named the child spleggisha.........o_O

Where she going find the meaning of that or what is the meaning of that!
6:03 pm am still on the name topic see how important names are..lololol

I just want you: Vicki Yohe (singer)

He knows my heart