Friday, December 2, 2011

Why I decided to not be here for a while

It's all about discipline.
I have been in  a place where I realize that we as human don't like and appreciate discipline we rather do our own thing, whenever and wherever.
When we get in an organization and there are rules and regulation we then say these people are trying to control and manipulate, don't get me wrong, but there are some people that do control and manipulate people and you see it almost everyday  if  not everyday, even in commercial.

I am not on commercials and media though.

We have to learn and build discipline for our own selves and not wait for some to say well this is where and when to go  and what to do and what you can't do. Have restrictions and limits on your self in terms of where to go and when and what time you will spend etc. I am not talking about strapping down your self from living life, but create boundaries in a good way.

Become committed  to something someone, when you are you will realize that you are more free than being not committed. Look at it this way singleness and marriage; if you are single how free can you be; in a marriage how free can you be?

In singleness I am bond to can not do this or that because am not free to do these things, it not right. But now am committed to a marriage and can do things a that I would not and should not be doing in singleness so who is more free being committed or being single.

Some will say single, who did not get the picture am painting, being single and doing those things get you in trouble, even if you say you have one man or woman, you are committed to that ONE man or woman, but being frivolous with everyone and anyone you are not free at all, you have to hide and duck etc.

Committed or having commitment is more free than being not committed.
Discipline keeps you in tact

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