Monday, December 19, 2011

why am upset

They mentioned about flash cards, use flash cards to help you learn, I got

Please if you need flash cards to help you learn, please use flash cards. ....
urg -_-
Today is the 21st and I just thought of this am not upset still, but Learning for me has to be fun not boring.
Boring me to death however I may remember because an near death experience in learning, that is something to remember and excitingly hilarious...  I was in maths class and the teacher  pace and teaching technique sucked the life out of me, I literally felt it. Drained, almost collapsed, wait I did collapsed into sleep.

Learning should be fun and memorable.

Now am not saying in every area and everything it will be fun, fun in terms of being practical and hands on, but in other areas such as English,  and theory subjects try make it memorable.

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