Monday, December 19, 2011

What type of learner are you?

My sister and I did, "What type of learner are you"?
I was said to be a visual learner her result was tactile learner
I was mad.
She was like you only got 15% on tactile.
I believe that was over a technicality
I got
45% visual
40% for the other one I can't remember the name, I think it's reading analytical something

She go and say she is tactile and all that and I only get 15%, I was like, I like to do things with my hands while you rather work on a million small things, I rather work on three big things.

The technicality question,  "Would you rather fix you computer or have some one else fix it for you"? I normal fix my Pc but when I see it  is getting serious, I rather let someone come in, so I chose the option that said let someone else fix it I don't want to be without it for days............... strupes

Strips strips of paper always behind her cutting here, cutting there, cutting everyone paper and cloth  I have books around me and when am done i put them away don't leave them and the trail behind me........Oy
You only get 15% tactile, she turn to me and said they other day She don't like my hands because they always finding things to do getting in trouble, well that part is true mostly with paint and some other things not bad things, she use paint too eh.

I don't stay in my space with my paint.

How I got 45% visual  the question, Do you  rather pictures in  book, I chose that option she looked at me with a snare like am child. I chose that option because I don't need a book with words you could be speaking about something and while you speaking there is a movie inside my head, hello.

And I deliberately chose book with pictures and the other one, I wanted to see what was going to happen.I wanted to have two options but i could only choose one
And I chose.

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