Saturday, June 16, 2012

Does God prepare us before battle

Does God prepare us before battle?

Yes he does well most of tonight I’ve been going through my books notepad and notes on scraps of paper where I now store my books  is too heavy so I had to lightening it up. I let go of some before and transfer to my laptop but still held on to some of those part and what still left.

I am going to share with you some information that help me and Carleen Payne-Jackson How even after she left she be sending me books or warfare and all sort of information a wonderful woman of God. She was in my life for a season we have lost connection because her time was due here and in the process of time I believe it was time for me to stand and fight on my own.

Letting go of these information making room to learn so am letting go of them here and the papers to whoever receive them.

Honestly I wish my scanner was working.

What are they?


Freedom from depression

Can I be honest I don’t know what to do right now I have learnt depression is lack of expression when you express yourself you release the burden the heavy load that weighs you down...hmm
For real this actually seems funny to me OMG Lord help me

I confess my depression to you and in so doing I forsake it, putting it behind me forever you have lifted me from the miry clay and set my feet upon your solid confident word. I will not give in to depression any longer instead I choose to hope and trust in you.

Okay here is where I am just going to quote scriptures instead if we get up and do of course prayer is an expression you pouring out it will definitely releases  some of it; but trust me not all of it. It is when you really get up and do take on an activity that you know you like such as painting, writing something that you like doing that bring you joy and release. NOTHING BAD OR THAT WLL CAUSE HARM TO YOU OR FAMILY OR ANYONE!!!!

Don’t get me wrong prayer is an expression too and it works. You ever notice we pray and pray for a while days week’s months and years for depression and other situation, because we never changed our activity moping around and whining.
Please understand where I am coming from....

I will trust in you with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding in all my ways I will acknowledge you and you will direct my path
You are the God of my strength there is no reason for me to mourn you are my exceeding joy I will praise you Lord.

Get up and do be active for depression as well along with the word faith without works is dead

I eventually had to do something I write in books and draw as well even craziness blurry angerish things until if not all something came out.
Ps:3,23, 40

Decided to share anyway

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